Last night was the NBA final game for the Lakers and Celtics. Justin really wanted to go to the game, but he didn't have tickets. He was just planning on going near by the arena and just watch the game in a local place and then head over to the arena WHEN the Celtics won. Then at about noon yesterday, I got a call from a family in the church we used to work at, saying that they had an extra ticket to the game for Justin if
he wanted it. I knew that Justin was planning on going anyway so I insisted that they save the ticket for him! Finally at like 3, Justin got the message and was freaking out! He was so so so excited. So, my husband is a very luck man. Not only did he get to go the the NBA finals, he sat in the 16th row...all for free! It was an amazing blessing for him. I might have him blog more about it so that you get a real understanding of what it was like to be there when the Celtics made history.
Jun 18, 2008
It Already Been A Year?!?!
Time has flown by, and Justin and I actually just celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary. Justin had a very romantic evening planned out
for the two of us. We we to a really nice restaurant in Boston. It was so fancy that I didn't even really know what half of the stuff was....LOL. But all the food was great, dessert was my favorite. I had this Italian chocolate ice cream with espresso poured over it! YUMMO After dinner we walked through a local park and just talked about the last year. Little to my knowledge we were
walking with a purpose. In the middle of the park there was a lake the went through the city. When we got the the lake there was a gondola waiting to pick us up for a romantic tour of the city! It was a great evening. The next night we planned on having a romantic dinner on our balcony, but it was all rainy, so we opted to just hangout in our room. We had our yummy cake from our wedding night (who ever though of that.....yea lets eat year old cake :) But, really the cake wasn't that bad at all! This past year was definitely full of new adventures for Justin and makes me think that God is preparing us to be very active servants of his, probably on the go a lot, in the years to come.
Jun 14, 2008
We Made It!!!
So Justin and I are both now living in Boston. Justin came down last Sunday, while I finished up teaching. Then today I drove up (that's weird to say because when I lived in Indiana I was use to saying down) to Boston. When I got here I quickly unpacked somethings, took a shower, and then was off to a BBQ to meet some of the people that Justin is working with. We played games, ate food and just had fun! Tomorrow we have church at 11 (yes, we get to sleep in!), and then on Monday Justin and I have our 1 year anniversary on Monday. I am very excited that Justin and I are marking our 1 year...and I look so forward to all the man years we have ahead. Justin is planning all kinds of secrets for Monday. He will say to me, "Don't check the CPU history, or you can't look at this paper....). But I don't want to know what he is up to...I like being surprises, and it's kinda hard to surprise me, so I am trying my hardest to NOT find anything out about his plans. Well, I think that is about it, but I will let you know Monday night....well maybe Tuesday morning ;)....what all Justin's secret plans were. For now, goodnight!
Jun 2, 2008
When God Says Move....You Move!
So it looks like Justin and I have chosen to relocate to the Boston area for the summer. We are going to be working with a Missions organization until mid-August. This opportunity will give us the chance to continue to search for the place God wants us to live more permanently. It is going to be an adventure for sure, but I am excited about it. Justin is heading down about a week before me, I have to work. He is heading up there in June 8th and Opal (our dog) and I will follow on the 13th. God has really orchestrated things....I can see it so clearly! In Boston we will have our housing provided, which is such a blessing because we will be able to keep the apartment that we have without having to move out our furniture. Then our apartment will be rented out....which means that we don't have to pay the full price of rent! Plus, because I am a teacher, I get my salary all summer. Man, I can just see how God has been planning all the little details out so that Justin and I can completely dedicate ourselves to serving Him this summer! God is good, and I am so grateful that He is in charge of our lives, not me (because I know I would mess it all up)!
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