I have been trying to slowly get things ready for the baby and her room. I have Monday off, so Justin and I went to Madison to pick up a few things. I needed to get a couple pair of pants for work, so we went o Goodwill. While there, I of course had to look at the baby clothes and found a couple that I liked!!! Its so much fun looking at little girl clothes! Then we went to Joann Fabrics to get some....fabric! LOL We rent our apartment and don't plan on being here for too much longer, so I wanted everything that I did to the baby's room to be transportable. I though instead of painting, I would drape one wall in fabric. I got this really cute green, pink, cream, and brown stripped fabric. It will tie all the different things I have planned together. I also did some paintings for her room. I wanted them to be sweet and something that she could keep for when she grows up.....my first gift to her! Anyway, Justin and I have another ultra-sound in the morning....so look forward to seeing pics from that and more pic of the baby's room as it progresses!