When I got back to work, my class had to work hard because we were preforming a 45 minute musical play for grandparent's day. We practiced basically all day on Tuesday (in addition to the weeks prior) and had our performance on Wednesday. They did AMAZING and they had so much fun doing it!
So right now it looks like we only have 9 days of school left.....I know that I am ready and I am sure my students are too!
Justin had a job offer at a missions organization in Boston. If would only be for the summer, but it would be a great opportunity and it would allow us to use the summer to continue our search. We will see what happens.....still praying and searching for God's will in all of this!
Hope that you all are doing good....feel free to send us a comment or email me and let me know what is happening in your life and how Justin and I can pray for you!
email: douglas.brittney@gmail.com