One of the best things about being a teacher is all the love you get from the kids. I took off two days that week to spend time with my family and to walk at graduation. Well, when my cooperating teacher found out, she planned me a surprise party! I was totally shocked! I have never had a surprise party, so I felt very honored!!! They had me gifts, cards, and cake!!! WOW, the love of 28 students is amazing!!!!

After a crazy weekend, Justin definitaly deserved a little time with the boys!!! Tonight he is going to the Boston/Baltimore game with a couple of kids from the youth group! He loves Boston, and he love spending time with students, so I am sure that he is having a great night!

After a crazy weekend, Justin definitaly deserved a little time with the boys!!! Tonight he is going to the Boston/Baltimore game with a couple of kids from the youth group! He loves Boston, and he love spending time with students, so I am sure that he is having a great night!
We still have not heard anything for sure from any churches, so please continue to pray for us, as we are seeking a new place to do God's work. We hope that God will show us soon the place He has for us. I am not going o lie, it is so hard to wait and let God work, I guess it is my personality to want to "fix" and "solve" the situation, but I know that God's plan for Justin and me will be better than any plan I could ever dream up! Thank you all for your prayers!
PLEASE PLEASE email us and let us know what is happening in your lives!!!
PLEASE PLEASE email us and let us know what is happening in your lives!!!
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